People on the street, a robot, and shipping containers: all symbols of PLED research.

Planning Local Economic Development Lab

Planning Local Economic Development Lab

Georgia Tech’s Planning Local Economic Development (PLED) Lab is the hub of research about tools and strategies that local and regional planners can use to help communities achieve sustainable economic development.

Nancey Green-Leigh

About PLED

The lab is led by Professor Nancey Green Leigh, an expert in economic development planning with nearly 30 years of research on economic restructuring and its differential impacts on localities, regions, and their populations.

Our work spans urban and rural scale and focuses on generating sustainable planning and policy solutions that elevate living standards and quality of life, while decreasing inequalities between demographic groups and places.

Our Work

Robots, Automation, and Jobs
Resilient Economic Development
Economic Restructuring and Urban Revitalization
In the Press


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