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Our Courses: Something for Everyone

Our Courses: Something for Everyone

We offer a variety of courses for students from all disciplines. Undergraduate students can take classes toward the Sustainable Cities Minor or complete their Real Estate Development Certificate. Graduate students have a wide range of options for completing their master's study or augmenting their degree work in another field. 

Please note, all of our courses are not offered every semester. Take a look at our current course offerings below. If you would like to see a complete list of all of our courses, please visit the official GT course catalog.

CP 4020 - Introduction to Urban Regional Planning Provides an overview of the planning of cities and metropolitan regions. The legal and historical context as well as substantive areas of urban planning are addressed.

CP 4052 - Sustainable Cities Studio Provides students with the a faculty-supervised community engagement experience in developing a sustainability-related project for a non-profit, business, or government agency.

CP 4310 - Urban Transportation and Planning Designed to introduce the fundamentals of urban transportation planning and policy and is applicable to students in a variety of concentrations of study. The purpose of the course will be to acquaint students with transportation planning as a profession and the types of projects that transportation planners are required to conduct.

CP 4510 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Provides a basic understanding of the tools for collecting, storing, and analyzing spatially distributed data. Basic issues of software design and application are covered.

CP 4610 - Introduction to Real Estate Investment Subjects include attributes of real property, value determinations, appraisal, investment analysis, market analysis, asset management, and public aspects.

CP 6005 - Drawing for Planners Teaches planning students through drawing to record, analyze, conceptualize, and represent commonly recurring physical and diagrammatic relationships that occur in the physical environment.

CP 6006 - Visualization for Planners Explores visual and representational techniques and methods for physical planning, introducing a common set of computer applications designed to enhance visual representation and communication.

CP 6025 - Advanced Planning Methods Analytical methods in planning including inferential statistics, linear regression, and analysis of variance and how they are applied to planning problems.

CP 6035 – Theory & History of Planning - Examines theories of planning and the public interest, the intellectual and historical development of the planning profession, and the roles of planners within political systems.

CP 6036 Community Dynamics & Engagement - Study of theories and dynamics of community-building, with a focus on working in communities, equity and inclusive community engagement.

CP 6055 - Planning Studio Analysis and preparation of alternatives for an existing neighborhood, community, or region. Emphasis on application of planning skills in a real-world situation. CP 6112 - Intro to Land Use This course introduces students to land use planning. The basic rationale for land use planning and its form in different states is covered.

CP 6223 - Policy Tools-Environmental Management The course covers the regulatory, market, and procedural tools used to manage the environment. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of alternative techniques.

CP 6412 - Economic Development Plan Policy Introduction to local economic development planning, examining theory, process and practice, international and regional factors, public and private roles.

CP 6514 - Introduction to GIS This course introduces students to spatial analysis using geographic information systems. Fundamentals of software design and geographic data are covered.

CP 6581 - Programming for GIS This course teaches fundamental programming skills for geoprocessing and data presentation in a geographic information system environment. The primary languages used are Python and Javascript.

CP 6591GIS Professional Seminar - This course provides MSGIST students with a bridge from the academic world to the professional GIS world. CP 6630 - Government and Housing Markets Examination of the operation of local housing markets and national, state, regional, and local housing policies.

CP 6640 - Real Estate Development Methods Application of the development process, market and financial feasibility analyses, and public policy to large development projects. Extensive use of case studies involving professional developers.

CP 6834 - Urban Design Policy Urban design policy making and its implementation including an analysis of the behavioral basis for policies that promote quality in built form.

CP 6850. Public Health and the Built Environment This interdisciplinary course examines how cities and neighborhoods can have both positive and adverse effects on human health, and produces recommendations to improve these outcomes.

CP 7000 - Master's Thesis Provides students with an opportunity to pursue advanced research under the guidance of a faculty committee.

CP 8012 - PhD Foundations Seminar Incoming City and Regional Planning doctoral students reflect upon research, assess opportunities afforded by doctoral education, and develop a plan of study for the program.

CP 8022 - PhD Seminar in Research and Pedagogy Students conceptualize and share ongoing research with their peers, develop professional and pedagogical skills, and explore issues of student and career development.

CP 8200Advanced Planning Theory- Seminar on planning theory, including philosophy of science, political philosophy and ethical theory. The course explores the theoretical basis for planning as a social activity.

CP 8853 -  Special Topics in GIS Topics of current interest in geographic information systems: Climate Change Analytics

CP 8873 - Special Topics: Urban Design – Smart City Workshop

CP 8883Special Topics in City and Regional Planning: Natural Hazards and Resilience

CP 8883 - Special Topics in City and Regional Planning: Intro to Urban Analytics

CP 8883 - Special Topics in City and Regional Planning: Intro to Global Development

CP 8883 - Special Topics in City and Regional Planning: Transportation Decisions

CP 8902 - Special Problems of Current Interest: Independent Study

CP 8990Applied Research Paper - The applied research paper requires students to demonstrate their ability to organize and execute professional-level work in consultation with a faculty member.

CP 8999 – Doctoral Dissertation Preparation

CP 9000 – Doctoral Dissertation

CP 6514 - Introduction to GIS This course introduces students to spatial analysis using geographic information systems. Fundamentals of software design and geographic data are covered.

CP 6595 - GIS Systems Design and Management This course equips students to address a range of issues related to GIS data acquisition, database design, system configuration, and project management.

CP 6596 - GIS Capstone Project Students plan and execute a major professional project using standard GIS methodologies, and communicate the project results in written, graphic, and public presentation formats.

CP 6962 – Urban Analytics Capstone Project Students plan and execute a major professional project using urban analytics methodologies, and communicate the project results in written, graphic, and public presentation formats.

CP 7000 - Master's Thesis Provides students with an opportunity to pursue advanced research under the guidance of a faculty committee.

CP 8990 – Applied Research Paper - The applied research paper requires students to demonstrate their ability to organize and execute professional-level work in consultation with a faculty member. CP 9000 – Doctoral Dissertation

CP 2233 - Sustainable Urban Development Introduces students to the theory and practice of sustainability as applied to the built environment at scales from the site to the mega-region.

CP 4105 - Land Conservation Considers the distinctive American view of land and history of the conservation movement, then discusses the why and how of modern land conservation.

CP 4510 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Provides a basic understanding of the tools for collecting, storing, and analyzing spatially distributed data. Basic issues of software design and application are covered.

CP 4811 - ABCD in Practice  This short course introduces and reviews the basics of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD): working with communities based on their assets, or strengths.

CP 6016 - Growth Management Law Study of legal framework of planning focusing on managing development to achieve desired outcomes for the economy, society, and the environment

CP 6024 - Quantitative & Computer Methods Introduction to computing and quantitative methods in planning. Discusses commonly used data sources, data management, presentation techniques, and planning analytical models.

CP 6031 - Economic Analysis-Planning Applications of economic principles to planning, including market theory, public goods, externalities, cost benefit analysis, and project economics. CP 6053 - Urban Design Studio The studio investigates urban physical settings. It emphasizes processes from visual representation, performance evaluations to design decision making of future sustainable urban systems.

CP 6055 - Planning Studio Analysis and preparation of alternatives for an existing neighborhood, community, or region. Emphasis on application of planning skills in a real-world situation.

CP 6105 - Land Conservation This course considers the distinctive American view of land and history of the conservation movement, then discusses the why and how of modern land conservation.

CP 6213 - Urban Environmental Planning & Design This course introduces students to the basic theoretical and analytical underpinnings of urban environmental planning and design.

CP 6217 - Climate Change & City The course explores land use and urban design strategies for adapting to climate change in cities and on local hazard mitigation policy.

CP 6321 - Transportation Planning Methods and Investment Decisions Review of transportation methods and how they interface with investment decisions. How transportation planners at the local, regional, state, and federal levels employ methods.

CP 6422 - Econ Develop Analysis This course focuses on strategy development, methods of analysis, and approaches to practice for urban and regional economic development policy and planning.

CP 6442 - Equity, Social Justice, and Economic Development Explores concepts and theories of equity and social justice, analysis of indicators of (in)justice/equity, and economic development planning's role in promoting equity and social justice.

CP 6514 - Introduction to GIS This course introduces students to spatial analysis using geographic information systems. Fundamentals of software design and geographic data are covered.

CP 6521 - Advanced GIS The course provides students with advanced spatial analysis techniques including network analysis, three-dimensional surface modeling, and GIS application development.

CP 6531 -  Intro to Remote Sensing This course introduces students to the collection and use of satellite imagery and other remote sensing data.

CP 6541 -  Environmental GIS This course focuses on the application of geographic information systems (GIS) to environmental problems. It highlights the types and sources of data appropriate to those applications.

CP 6552 -  Design Smart Urban Systems The course integrates data analytics, systems science and urban design. It covers theories, methods, modeling tools and case studies in the context of smart cities.

CP 6570 - Socioeconomic GIS An advanced GIS course addressing the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of spatial social, economic, housing, and demographic information.

CP 6592 - GIS Capstone Project Preparation This course allows students to select a MSGIST capstone project topic, conduct a professional and academic literature review, and assemble required spatial datasets.

CP 6611 - Real Estate Finance & Development Introduction to principles of real estate finance, focusing on the role the public sector plays in making desirable development projects financially feasible.

CP 6612 - Community Development This course will examine neighborhood-based efforts, public policy, trends and practices that have shaped community development in American inner city communities since 1950.

CP 6760 - Negotiation & Conflict Management Practical and theoretical instruction on techniques of negotiation and consensus building using training exercises and case studies. Emphasizes environmental, policy, planning, and development disputes. Crosslisted with PUBP 6760.

CP 6836 - Urban Ecological Design Engages the contemporary issues of urban ecology and its articulation to design. Explores relationships among urban forms, and flows of ecology, energy, material, water and information.

CP 6960 -  Urban Analytic Capstone Students prepare to execute a major professional project using urban analytics methodologies and communicate the project results in written, graphic, and public presentation formats.

CP 8505 -  Advanced Quant Research Methods This course addresses two complementary topics: the design of quantitative research related to planning, design, and policy; and advanced statistical techniques for accomplishing such research.

CP 8853 -  Special Topics in GIS Topics of current interest in geographic information systems. Public health analytics

CP 8881 - ABCD in Practice This short course introduces and reviews the basics of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD): working with communities based on their assets, or strengths.

CP 7000 - Master's Thesis Provides students with an opportunity to pursue advanced research under the guidance of a faculty committee.

CP 8022 - PhD Seminar in Research and Pedagogy Students conceptualize and share ongoing research with their peers, develop professional and pedagogical skills, and explore issues of student and career development.

CP 8881/8882/8883 - Special Topics- City and Region Plan Topics of current interest in city and regional planning.

CP 8990 - Applied Research Paper The applied research paper requires students to demonstrate their ability to organize and execute professional-level work in consultation with a faculty member.


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