September, 4th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- PhD in City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Seumalu Elora Raymond, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
September, 6th (5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EST) - School of City and Regional Planning & Georgia Planning Association Fall Reception.
Join SCaRP students, alumni, faculty, and Georgia Planning Association-affiliated fellow planning, GIS, urban analytics, & global development professionals to celebrate and network.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
September, 11th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) - Master of City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Michael Elliot, program alum Matteo Saracco, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
September, 18th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) - Master of Science in Urban Analytics Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Subhro Guhathakurta, program alum Bill Huang, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
September, 19th (5:00 pm - 6:15 pm EST) - CP 6233 Sustainable Urban Development course visit
Get a taste of a SCaRP class! Prof. Jairo Garcia's CP 6233 class features special guests throughout the semester. This Thursday the class welcomes GT alum Anna Benkeser and Zealan Hoover from the US Environmental Protection Agency with a talk titled A Case for Climate Optimism.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
September, 20th (11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST) - Park(ing) Day.
See SCaRP students in action! Every year, the Georgia Tech Student Planning Association participates in a global initiative to promote a less car-centric life in the city. Join us for Park(ing) Day on Georgia Tech campus, where we’ll transform parking spots into creative, pedestrian-orientated spaces. Come and see how we can reimagine these everyday spaces to be more than just a place to park!
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
September, 24th (11:00 am - 12:15 pm EST) - SCaRP Fall Lecture Series I
Join us for a taste of our lecture series, where we bring outstanding external faculty and researchers on campus to present their latest research. This September we welcome Dr. Lingqian “Ivy” Hu, Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning; Associate Director, School of Landscape Architecture and Planning at the University of Florida. Her topic is: Reforming Public Engagement in Planning: The Experiment of FlexRide Milwaukee
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
September, 25th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm) EST- MS. in Geographic Information Science and Technology Information Session and Q&A
Program Director Ramachandra Sivakumar, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
October 2nd (10:00 am - 11:00 am EST) - Master of Science in Global Development Information Session and Q&A
Program directors Dr. Bruce Stiftel and Dr. Alberto Fuentes, alumna Ana Santos, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
October 2nd (3:30 pm - 4:45 pm) - CP 6036 Community Dynamics and Engagement Virtual Class Visit and Guest Lecture
Join Professor Gregory Randolph for CP 6036 Community Dynamics and Engagement, featuring a guest lecture by John Taylor, co-founder of Kota Kita, on the role of technology, democracy, and local civil society in community engagement in urbanizing Indonesia.
Register for Online Class Visit Here
October 16th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) - Funding Your Graduate Education Information Session and Q&A
Ms. Anna Traykova, graduate program coordinator and academic advisor at the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning provides a detailed insight into costs and funding opportunities and welcomes your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
October 17th (5:00 pm - 7:00 pm EST)- MS Urban Analytics Mixer
Join MS Urban Analytics faculty, students, alumni, and industry advisory board members for the MSUA Fall Mixer reception.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
October 18th (10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) Q&A with Graduate Program Coordinator at Georgia Tech Virtual Graduate School Showcase
Ms. Anna Traykova, graduate program coordinator and academic advisor at the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning welcomes your questions about SCaRP programs, applying to and studying at Georgia Tech, and anything else on your mind.
Register For Online Session Here
October 22nd (12:00 pm - 1:15 pm EST) CP 4190 Introduction to Climate Change Planning and Guest Lecture
Join Professor Yiyi He for CP 4190 Introduction to Climate Change Planning, featuring a guest lecture by Dr. Weimin Li, Professor of Landscape Architecture and College of Environmental Design, Cal Poly Pomona. Dr Li's lecture will discuss tackling climate injustice through academic, agency, and community collaboration.
Access Online Session Here
October 24th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) Current Student Panel Q&A
Hear from current students of the School of City and Regional Planning about their experiences in the program so far, receive their advice, and take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Register For Online Session Here
October 30th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST) - PhD in City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Seumalu Elora Raymond, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
October 31st (11 am - 12:15 pm EST) SCaRP Fall Lecture Series II
Join us for a preview of our Lecture Series. We are excited to host Professor Lan Mu, the GIScience Certificate Program Director at the University of Georgia (UGA), for her lecture: Geospatial Insights: How Physical and Socioeconomic Environments Help Shape Our Health.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
November 6th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- MS. in Geographic Information Science and Technology Information Session and Q&A
Program Director Ramachandra Sivakumar, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
November 12th (11:00 am - 12:15 pm EST) World Town Planning Day.
Join us for a guest lecture and a celebration of how effective planning can enhance the quality of life and benefit society by creating vibrant spaces where people can live, work, and play together.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
November 13th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Michael Elliot, program alum Matteo Saracco, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
November 20th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of Science in Urban Analytics Information Session and Q&A
Program Director Dr. Subhro Guhathakurta, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
November 20th (2:00 pm - 3:15 pm EST) World GIS Day Celebration.
Join our current students, faculty, and alumni for a celebration of the 25th World GIS Day, highlighting the power of geographic information system technology. The event will feature presentations and Q+A with MS-GIST alumni, a GIS trivia contest, and maps and poster display, highlighting previous MS-GIST capsone projects.
On-campus event: Click to RSVP
December 4th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of Science in Global Development Information Session and Q&A
Program directors Dr. Bruce Stiftel and Dr. Alberto Fuentes, alumna Ana Santos, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
December 6th (8:00 am - 1:00 pm EST)- Smart City Workshop class visit: Smart City Digital Twins - Future Airport & Aerotropolis City Design Symposium
Get a taste of the interdisciplinary CP 8873 Urban Design: Smart City Workshop class by visiting the end of semester Aerotropolis symposium where students from city planning, urban design, urban analytics, aerospace engineering and other graduate programs present and discuss their work.
RSVP for Online or On-campus Visit
December 11th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Michael Elliot, program alum Matteo Saracco, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
December 18th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Funding Your Graduate Education Information Session and Q&A
Ms. Anna Traykova, graduate program coordinator and academic advisor at the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning provides a detailed insight into costs and funding opportunities and welcomes your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
January, 7th (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST)- PhD in City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Seumalu Elora Raymond, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
January 8th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Open Office Hours with Ms. Anna Traykova
Ms. Traykova, SCaRP's academic program manager, welcomes your questions regarding graduate program applications, etc.
Register For Online Session Here
January 9th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Current Student Panel Q&A
Hear from current students of the School of City and Regional Planning about their experiences in the program so far, receive their advice, and take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
Register For Online Session Here
January 16th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- MS. in Geographic Information Science and Technology Information Session and Q&A
Program Director Ramachandra Sivakumar, program alumna Chenyu Li, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
January 22nd (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of City and Regional Planning Information Session and Q&A
Program director Dr. Michael Elliot, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
January 29th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of Science in Urban Analytics Information Session and Q&A
Program Director Dr. Subhro Guhathakurta, program alumni, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
February 5th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Master of Science in Global Development Information Session and Q&A
Program directors Dr. Bruce Stiftel and Dr. Alberto Fuentes, alumna Ana Santos, and academic advisor/program coordinator Ms. Anna Traykova discuss the program and answer your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
February 12th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Funding Your Graduate Education Information Session and Q&A
Ms. Anna Traykova, graduate program coordinator and academic advisor at the Georgia Tech School of City and Regional Planning provides a detailed insight into costs and funding opportunities and welcomes your questions.
Register For Online Session Here
February 19th (11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST)- Open Office Hours with Anna Traykova
Registration link coming soon.